Photo by the amazing and talented Lara Grauer.

Photo by the amazing and talented Lara Grauer.

Hi! This is me.

I’m a freelance graphic designer and writer with 20+ years in the field. I’m also your annoying friend who notices kerning issues on passing trucks, and questions the font choices of internet memes (Sure, I understand the legibility of Impact, but do you REALLY think it expresses the cat’s frustration here?) .

I love what I do, every day, and that’s a wonderful thing.

I specialize in print design—logos, brochures, ads, posters, etc.—and I can help you through the whole production process. I’ve also become a huge fan of eBooks, which offer the visual impact of a print booklet but at a much lower capital and environmental cost. And I’m completely in love with infographics of all kinds, so if you have data you want to make pretty—bring it on.

If you’re looking for a new website or digital product, I’m happy to work with your development team on building a beautiful UI for your brand. I’ve also had great experiences building client sites through Squarespace and Wix, and I’ve built gobs of digital campaign banners and ads.

Not sure what you need for your business right now? No problem—I can help with that too!

My Work Friends

My client list includes PIXAR, Disney, Make-A-Wish, 1st Security Bank, University of Washington, Marine Stewardship Council, 3Be Coaching, Bank of America Performing Arts Center, TOArts, Umpqua Bank, Magnolia Chamber of Commerce and many other wonderful companies, large and small. I tend to fit best with medium-sized organizations that don’t have the budget or timeline to work with an agency but understand the value of quality, experienced design.

Not a Diva

Designers have a reputation for being ... how can I put this delicately? ... arrogant divas who think their clients are idiots and their own ideas are pure artistic genius. Understandably, this can make for a challenging partnership.

I’m very proud of the research, thought and effort I put into every design that I present. But, I also recognize that my clients know their own businesses and clientele far better than I do. I also represent only one opinion, while my clients are often speaking on behalf of several.

To that end, I see design as a highly collaborative process. My clients hire me because they trust my design expertise, and because they know I am very responsive to artistic direction. Successful graphic design is a group effort, and I'm happy to be part of the team.

This is also me.

When I’m not at my computer, I’m probably hanging with my family or out running in the mountains. Thrilled to be sponsored by Seven Hills Running Shop—living proof you should never give up on your dreams, kids.

If you’re looking for design or marketing that relates to trail running or similar outdoor adventures, let’s chat!

Mount Rainier Northern Loop Trail, Fall 2020. Photo by Scott Sedlik.

Mount Rainier Northern Loop Trail, Fall 2020. Photo by Scott Sedlik.
